Become a Monthly Donor
Take our Healthy for Homes Pledge
A Habitat home provides strength and stability for families in core housing need. It helps to build stronger communities, better neighbourhoods, and the biggest of dreams. You have the power to help make a difference! Consider making healthier choices that will make you look and feel your best! Take the Healthy for Homes Pledge Today! Now through March 31st all NEW monthly donors will be matched by CanadaHelps, doubling your impact to help build.
Building Ford City - 2023
Help Melissa and her daughters - and two more families - build a safe, secure and affordable home.
The Habitat Windsor ReStore is now open seven days a week- Monday through Saturday 9 - 5, and Sunday 12 - 5. NOTE: Donation drop-off is OPEN Monday through Saturday 10 - 4, you can also arrange a curbside pick up for your donations. FULL DETAILS